Hearing damage

Are you suffering from hearing damage? You are not alone! In the Netherlands, 1 in 10 Dutch people have hearing damage due to noise, loud music, old age and other things. Hearing damage is therefore very common in our society. Unlimited headphones, earphones, music festivals and concerts ensure that young people are exposed to loud noise at an increasingly earlier age, which is harmful. For many people, listening to your favorite music is best done at maximum volume. Hearing damage is easier than you think. It is therefore not surprising that we are helping more and more people of all ages with a suitable (and as invisible as possible) hearing aid . For example, the Phonak Lumity L90R .

When do you suffer hearing damage?

Sound is the most important and most common source of hearing damage. Everyone knows that it is wiser to wear earplugs to festivals, concerts and going out. However, in practice it happens too little. Fortunately, we see an upward trend in which more and more people wear earplugs and where more attention is paid to wearing hearing protection at music events.

Loud noise is of course not only found in these places. Many people work daily, seven days a week next to or with machines that produce loud noise. Or what about motorcyclists? The sound of the wind along their helmet is often louder than 80 decibels. But when is noise harmful? This is from 80 decibels. And from 120 decibels, noise can damage your hearing within a few moments. Do you work with loud noise around you? Then consider custom-made earplugs to protect your ears.

What exactly is hearing damage?

The cochlea contains cilia. The cilia convert incoming sound for the brain, which allows you to hear. In the case of hearing damage due to noise or music, these cilia are damaged. Sometimes you can restore the condition of your cilia with rest, but not always. Serious damage to your cilia causes you to hear less well and sometimes you can also suffer from tinnitus.

Other causes of hearing loss

Not only loud noise and music are causes of hearing damage, unfortunately there are more causes that make people less able to hear. Some forms of hearing damage are temporary and others will be permanent. Science is working hard on research into restoring hearing damage, but at the moment we are not there yet.

Temporary hearing damage

Some of us will suffer from temporary hearing damage during our lives. Do you suffer from a ruptured eardrum? Perhaps you have annoying ear infections. These are often temporary causes that make your hearing worse. In addition, there are also medications that cause hearing loss as a side effect. Some of these cause temporary hearing loss.

The forms of hearing damage

In general, we divide hearing damage into mild hearing loss and severe hearing loss. In contrast to being deaf, where you can no longer hear anything, hearing damage comes in different degrees. Hearing loss due to hearing damage does not always literally mean hearing less than you did before. In some cases, it also causes you to perceive sound differently. Loud sounds can be more shrill and painful to perceive, it can be difficult to distinguish background noise and you can become oversensitive to normal sound. This oversensitivity is called hyperacusis. In addition, you can also suffer from distortion, where the sound is distorted. There are also many people who suffer from diplacusis, where you hear differently with each ear.

Permanent hearing damage, what now?

Have you undergone a hearing damage test and do you appear to be suffering from hearing damage? Then fortunately there are many good and invisible hearing aids to help you. What is especially important is that you take better care of your hearing. Take earplugs with you if you think the sound will be too loud somewhere. Or, just to be on the safe side, take earplugs with you everywhere. Better to take a set with you than to have a ringing in your ears the next day because the sound was too loud.

Hearing aids or hearing aids come in many different sizes and designs. That is why you do not have to walk around with a very large hearing aid that is clearly visible. Every year we still encounter people who postpone buying a hearing aid out of shame. This is completely unnecessary. At Online Hearing Aid we have hearing aids that sit in the ear canal, so you can see nothing at all!

Prevent hearing damage

There are a number of symptoms that indicate when you have heard too much noise. A beep or noise is the most well-known symptom. Take good care of your hearing, because you only have one set of ears! Prevent hearing damage by always wearing custom-made earplugs or wearing headphones when there is loud noise. This reduces the risk of hearing damage. Hearing damage occurs within a few minutes above 100 decibels, you can easily experience this during a night out with your favorite music. When listening to music, make sure you never turn the volume to 100%, teach yourself to listen to less loud music.

Online Hearing Aid Service

Have you been feeling like you have suffered hearing damage for a long time? Then take action! A hearing aid can enrich your life!